Group Sale Settings
The Group Sales settings are used to set the payment deadline and initial deposit which must be paid when selling Group tickets under Ticket transactions > Group Sales and the default auto release and final installment deadlines in days before the event.
From the main menu bar, select
At the bottom of the Organization maintenance Window click on the Group sale settings tab.
In the Installment percent field, enter the percentage amount of the transaction value you require paid to secure the Group ticket booking (typically 50%).
In the Installment deadline field, enter the time in days prior to the event that you require the deposit to be paid (typically 30 days).
In the Release deadline field, enter the time in days prior to the event that the tickets will be released back into the system if the deposit is not paid (typically 7 days after the deposit deadline).
In the Final installment deadline field, enter the time in days prior to the event that the balance must be paid (typically 5 days prior to the event).
NOTE: When a Group sale is made, a Contract is printed as below.
The default values printed on the Contract for % deposit, payable date, release date and final count date can be changed in the Stem3.sil file which was provided to you initially when you to set up the program.
(You can use Wordpad or a similar editing program to locate the relevant code below and edit this file).