Sets the default settings for printers, and the default time events will be visible and/or tickets will be available for sale on the internet prior to the event.
From the main menu bar, select
At the bottom of the Venue maintenance Window, click on the Defaults tab.
In Printing type drop down box, select either:
Ticket Printer if you will be using a printer that prints tickets individually (e.g. a thermal printer)
Sheet printer if you will be printing tickets on A4/Letter sized sheets with 4 (typically) tickets per page.
The ticket layout is set up in Maintenance > Ticket and report Formats
Check the Patron box if you want all customers in your database to be recorded as Patrons by default.
(Note that you can only send bulk email messages to customers designated as Patrons)
Check the Mail box if you want all customers in your database to be included on your mailout list by default.
NOTE: The settings for Patron and Mail on this screen only apply to customer records entered through the administration side of the program e.g. when selling tickets. To set default Patron and Mail settings for network (web) customers, please contact InterTicket customer support.
In Network (default), set the default month, days or hours that your events will be visible on the Internet before the commencement of the event and separately the time when you want sales of tickets to begin. These settings can be over-ridden on an individual Event basis in
In Event Visibility Defaults on Net set the date/time before the commencement of the event that tickets for your events will be visible on the Internet (but tickets not yet available for sale).
In Event Available Defaults on Net set the date/time before the commencement of the event that tickets for your events will be available for purchase on the Internet using the From setting and the date/time before the commencement of the event that you want Internet sales to cease using the To setting.
Select the Month-day radio button to set the time in months and/or days or:
Select the Day-hour radio button to set the time in days and/or hours.