Enter the URL of a page on your website which will provide more information about a particular program.
This page will be hyperlinked to the program name displayed on the main ticket search page.
Customers can then click on the link to find more information about your program.
that setting up a link to such a page on your website is optional.
From the main menu bar, select
At the bottom of the Program maintenance window, click on the Infolink tab.
Audit Info field - This link not currently operative on the web page.
In the Program Info field, enter (optionally) the URL of a web page which displays information about your program.
NOTE: You MUST enter the full URL starting with http://
This URL will be hyperlinked to the program name on your website.
Note however that this feature must be specifically enabled on the web administration side of the program.
Please contact InterTicket customer service for assistance.
Use the Test button to check that the URL has been entered correctly.