Define seasons and set their start and end dates.
Seasons refer to time periods encompassing a series of events.
Typically a Season would be a calendar year or Spring, Autumn etc seasons.
It does NOT refer to Season subscriptions/packages which you set up under Maintenance > Season Tickets > Season Ticket Maintenance.
From the main menu bar, select
Click on the New button and the Season maintenance widow will open.
In the Season name field, type a name for your Season – typically a calendar year.
From the drop down calendar in From field, select the date when the season will begin and from the drop down calendar in To field, when it will end.
Check the Current season box if the season you have just entered is your current season.
Checking this box will ensure that the default season displayed in any Season drop down boxes throughout the program (for example in ) will be your current season.
Click the Save/New button if you wish to set up additional Seasons or the Save button if this is the only Season you will be setting up in this session.
Click on the Close button.
You can change the Season name and the From and To dates if required by clicking on the Modify button.
NOTE: You should always define a Season for your events even though it may be as simple as a calendar year. If not, you may receive an error message in some sections of the program if each event is not associated with specific Season.
Avoid overlapping seasons if at all possible (such as setting up a season running from Jan to April as well as setting a season for the entire calendar year) as this can cause problems in some circumstances.