Pricing is a specific set of prices which applies to each Price level in your Pricing map.
Typically this would refer to different prices that are set for different types of events, such as preview, matinee, evening etc.
In each case, the auditorium is divided into the same Price levels (stalls, circle, balcony etc) but different base prices can apply for different circumstances/event times.
From the main menu bar, select
Go to the Pricing drop down box and select a Pricing Name.
If no Pricing Name is showing in the drop-down box or if you wish to create a new Pricing Name, then select the button with red arrow at the right of the box.
A new window will open called Pricing maintenance.
Click on the New button and type in a Pricing Name e.g. evening, matinee, preview etc.
Click the Save/New button if you wish to enter additional Pricing Names or the Save button if this is the only Pricing Name you will be entering. You will then be returned to the Pricing maintenance window.
Do not click the Accept button just yet as you still need to set up the base prices that are associated with each pricing name.
NOTE: Take care when setting up new Pricing Names since you cannot delete any Pricing Name after you have created it.
You can however change the name of any Pricing Name by selecting the Modify button and also checking or unchecking the Available box to make it available or unavailable.
But be aware that you must set ALL Pricing names that you intend to use for specific Program as Available - then you select whichever Pricing name you require for a specific event.
The next step is to set up your Prices.
A Price is the base price applying to each Pricing Name and would normally be the Adult ticket price.
Go to
Maintenance > Programs > Prices for details on setting up your Prices.