The maintenance menu incorporates the majority of functions for setting up and modifying venues, auditoriums, program, events, pricing, seasons etc.
- Set up and modify details of your organization/venue
- Set up and modify details of auditoriums
- Set up and modify details of programs including pricing maps and base prices
- Set up and modify details of events including availability for sale on the web
- Generate tickets for reserved seating events by section (if required)
- Set modified rates (e.g. child, senior, student etc.)
- Maintain your customer database
- Set up and modify season subscriptions and season packages
- Set up and modify details of ticket resellers
- Set section names and base prices of any extra ticket sections
- Enter details of promoters and associates with events
- Define main seasons
- Set up discount cards and gift cards
- Define reasons for any ticket reprinting and/or refunds issued
- Define coupon types if used for payments
- Design all ticket, gift card, label and receipt formats
- Define Info source (where customer heard about the event)
- Set up, modify and set access permissions for all system users
- Associate promoters with system users
- Define gate/door names and associate with relevant sections of auditoriums
- Define names of taxes to be applied
- Set values for any taxes applied
- Define access card types
- Assign access cards to customers