Internet Ticketing Pages Setup
A separate web administration interface is used to set and modify parameters controlling the online ticketing function. Since most settings require only a once off adjustment, InterTicket does not normally provide access to the web administration side of the program but will make any required modifications on request.
Customization of the web interface for online ticket selection, payment receipt and ticket issue includes:
- Modify any displayed text
- Set multiple language options, user selected by an icon
- Modify font family, color and size - controlled by .css
- Set date formats used (m/d/y or d/m/y, 24hr or 12hr clock)
- Modify colors used in tables
- Set currency symbol used
- Set list of countries/states displayed when customer selects country/state on payment page
- Set text used on tooltips (when customer hovers over text)
- Prevent/allow vacant single seats on the seating chart
- Display section view of auditorium or only the complete auditorium view
- Added text at top and/or bottom of all event listing, seat selection and payment pages
- Set service charge on a transaction basis - fixed amount or %.
- Specify if ticket delivery is by PDF print-at-home ticket, voucher or mailout (or any combination)
- Set email addresses for order confirmation emails - multiple addresses permitted
- Set text to be used in emails sent to customers after ticket purchase
- Set text used upon successful ticket purchase
- Provide links to pages with more information on Programs
- Provide links to pages with more information on Auditoriums (location, parking etc)
- Set max no. of events displayed per page
- Allow discount cards to be used online
- Provide customer login function
- Text used for "Title" on ticketing pages
- Setup "Refer to friend" function
- Setup Newsletter function