Online ticket selling is fully integrated into the InterTicket ticketing system. So there's no complicated set up, no additional components to install, no extra cost.
Just provide us with a web page for your ticketing and payment template page, let us know how you'll be accepting payments (via payment gateway or PayPal) and we'll set up the rest for you.
With InterTicket, your online patrons choose the exact seats they want from an interactive seating chart, select any discounts, and pay, with just a few clicks. An email is immediately sent with details of their purchase, links to their PDF tickets or info. on alternative ticket delivery methods.
And that's not all. Here's some of the other options available when selling tickets online with InterTicket.
Just email us or call the number shown our contact page.
Anyway… last night was our first show using the Tickets system, and all-in-all it went stupendously!!! I’m glad we found you. You are very nice to work with.
In the UK, other ticketing software was very expensive - for us the Tickets program is perfect. The customer service is second to none.